Business Law

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Our services in:

Business Law

Everyday business interactions produce a number of legal issues. Also, in order to establish and regulate a business relationship in a professional way, in order to be long-term, professional legal support is necessary. Our law firm serves clients on a daily basis who run their business successfully and know that legal advice is an essential part of their success.

In addition to this, the dynamics of operations require constant corporate changes of managers, subsidiaries, headquarters and other features of a company. For this reason, lawyers have been granted the status of authorized registration agents in order to implement the changes that are necessary and obligatory to make for your company.

Our Law Office Jancevski is ready to respond to the biggest challenges at any time, in order to solve your specific legal problem, as an authorized registration agent in the Central Registry has made all kinds of changes and provides such a service quickly, professionally and at an adequate price. in the market of such services.

law office janchevski


We offer you our services in:


Establishment of companies and subsidiaries of foreign companies


Registration of citizens' associations and foundations


Changes of authorized persons, headquarters, founding acts and other data


Liquidation of companies and subsidiaries


Enrollment and changes in foreign direct investment


Representation before competent authorities, as well as collection of claims

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Let us help you! Call Now : +38978359237

·   Mon – Fri 09:00-17:00

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